Saturday was race day. I was definitely worried the day before. My son was very sick (fever and vomiting), my husband was out of town and I really didn't know if I would sleep the night before the race. I also consummed lots of sugar. I know, awful! I took a Valium and that got me to sleep the night before. We got up before 6am and my sister-in-law (a talented runner) came with me to cheer me on and watch Marino during the race.
We were fortunate that race day was gorgeous. In Metro DC, we tend to have HUMIDITY from June - August but Saturday morning it was sunny and in the low 70s with no humidity. I got hot while running, but the lack of humidity definitely helped.
Here I am towards the beginning of the race (number 78 - blue shirt, big smile). I was feeling great at this point.
Normally, I run an 11:30 - 12 minute mile. Almost the entire race I was running faster than an 11:30 and I really just burned myself out. I had to walk for about 30 seconds in the last quarter mile of the race - I was just exhausted (I did finish it running). I finished in 36:06. My goal was 35 minutes or under. Maybe next time!
Do I look tired?!
Our running group had snacks and little gifts for us after the race. We plan to stick together and move into the 10k training program next. I really love running with these ladies!